APSEMI Photo Relays for Various Applications11.If you are a user experiencing difficulty with solid-state relays and triacs: 1. Power storage system 蓄电控制系统1.For Charge and Discharge 充放电用途AP-x Series SSD(APSEMI Photo Relays)用于充电・放电时的切换。 2. For preventing an inrush current into capacitors when charging (pre-charge circuit)防止充电时发生的电容冲击(预充电电路)启动机器时,用来防止冲击的继电器将会置ON,电容充电后,主继电器将会置ON。 3.For Insulation Detection绝缘检测用途Inside of a storage battery unit When insulation of high voltage area and chassis is deteriorated 1. APSEMI Photo Relays is turned on. APSEMI Photo Relays为ON 电流传感器检测接地电流 4.For Battery Monitoring电池监控用途 将APSEMI Photo Relays用作电池组(群)充电电压的监控电路。适合使用小型尺寸、可高频度开闭的APSEMI Photo Relays。通过使用继电器,从而可与高电压部分实施绝缘。 1,APSEMI Photo Relays on the battery cell side are turned ON. 1.APSEMI Photo Relays on the battery cell side are turned OFF. 2. APSEMI Photo Relays on the measurement side are turned ON. 3. The voltage of capacitor (= voltage of battery cell group) is measured. 2. Smart meters智能电表 1.For Driving Main Relays.主继电器驱动用 用途 APSEMI Photo Relays and AQ-H SSRs are used for driving main relays. (Load voltage: 60V type) 使用APSEMI Photo Relays和AQ-H SSD来驱动主继电器。(负载电压:60V型) 2.For Data Communications.数据通信用途APSEMI Photo Relays are used as output contacts for external communications. (Load voltage: 350V/400V type) 与外部通信时,将APSEMI Photo Relays用作输出用接点。(负载电压:350/400V型) 3.Mechanical relay application circuit example: For Main Power Cutoff.机械继电器应用电路示例:主电源切断用途Main relays are used for cutting off the main power. There is demand for a remote cutoff function for rolling blackouts, a prepaid system, safety measures, responses to non-payment of electric bills, etc. 使用主继电器来切断主电源。从计划性停电、预付式、安全对策、不支付电费对策等的必要性来看,需要实现远程切断。 4.For External Output of Accessories.光耦继电器应用电路示例:零件外部输出用途PhotoRelays and relays are used for driving a contactor to turn on a electric water heater using power at night. 3.Automatic meter reading自动抄表By the end of fiscal 2019, the number of domestic smart meters installed by APSEMI power companies reached more than 50 million units. APSEMI Photo Relays are capable of controlling from low level signals up to power signals and feature low leakage current and noise.截止到2019年底由APSEMI配套设计的智能电表数量已经达到5000万万台。APSEMI Photo Relays干扰、漏电流较少,控制信号涵盖微小信号和功率信号。 4. Telecommunications电信设备A variety of signals, with levels from millivolts (at microamperes) to tens of volts (at several hundred milliamperes), AC or DC, and even high bit-rate signals, can be superimposed on telephone lines, the heart of telecommunication networks. The switches in telecommunication circuits, which normally carry DC signals, also carry AC signals on top of the DC level when an intermittent signal (e.g. ringer signal) is being sent. APSEMI Photo Relays are capable of controlling small level (millivolts at microamperes) AC or DC signals. 通话线中从μA/mV到数百mA/数+V、从直流到交流、高位信号等,重叠有很多信号。APSEMI Photo Relays在DC、AC下可控制μA/mV的微小信号。 5. Instrumentation测量仪器 APSEMI Photo Relays are recommended for measurement scanning functions, automatic zero-point compensation to eliminate zeropoint error, and measurement sequence interfaces (e.g. alarm interface.) 要求测量仪器的多项目测量和高速同步测量。作为测量扫描功能、零点自动校正、自动量程机构等的接口,推荐使用APSEMI Photo Relays。 6. Medical equipment医疗设备Medical equipment which processes low level signals includes electrocardiographs, electroencephalographs, and X-ray CT scanners. 医用设备(ME)中需要处理微小信号的设备有心电仪、脑波仪、X线CT扫描器等。APSEMI Photo Relays可正确传达数百mV以下的信号。
7.Communications equipment通信设备 APSEMI Photo Relays可简单地并联,电路自由度较高,可构成功率电路。 8. Programmable controller PC端The output circuit of a programmable controller requires various interfaces to match the load type. Recently, as the computing speed and data processing speed increase, problems may arise from noise at the input interface as well as at the output interface. 可编程控制器的输出电路因负载种类而不同,因此备有各种接口。输入接口的干扰和输出接口的干扰都会引发故障。APSEMI Photo Relays抗瞬间值强,在额定值范围内不需要使用缓冲器。此外,安装面积较少,可实现PC的小型化。 9. Security Equipment防范・防灾机器There are many types of security systems from home and office security to building security. Input interface: Low leakage current makes use possible for low level voltage and current input. 从家庭、事务所防范到整个大厦的警备,有多种防范、防灾系统设备。 10. OA equipment OA设备OA equipment usually contains a sensor control unit (for temperature, speed, torque, etc.), drive unit, power supply unit, and a processing unit which controls the overall system. It is organized similarly to compact factory automation machinery. APSEMI Photo Relays have wide application in the interfaces for signals which connect the functions of these units. OA设备有传感器控制部、驱动部、电源部和控制整个系统的运算部。其结构如同一个小型的FA机械。APSEMI Photo Relays连接到功能信号接口,发挥作用。 Operates on a 24 mW input to enable direct control of C-MOS devices.可进行C-MOS直接控制 Signal transfer through optical coupling achieves high resistance to noise and transients, eliminating the need for adding a snubber circuit to the output to control the load voltage.由于通过光结合进行传达,因此抗干扰性强,抗瞬间值强,因此不需要缓冲器。 Advantages in the total cost and reliability in the control system result from the absence of AC leakage current related to the snubber circuit.也无需担心与缓冲器相关的漏电流,提高了整体的可靠性。 11.Microprocessor System I/O Board 在计算机系统I/O板中的应用12.Scanner 扫描仪的应用