固态继电器是一种无触点电子开关,由分立元器件、膜固定电阻网络和芯片,采用混合工艺组装来实现控制回路(输入电路)与负载回路(输出电路)的电隔离及信号耦合,由固态器件实现负载的通断切换功能,内部无任何可动部件。尽管市场上的固态继电器型号规格... Panasonic(松下)型号:AQY210SX AQY210SX基本参数: 特点:实现了超小型尺寸的PhotoMOS4脚SO封装 封装:SOP4端子形状:Surface-Mount 包装方式:Tubepacking ... 光耦继电器是一种在输入量满足某些规定的条件时,能在一个或多个电器输出电路中产生跃变的一种器件,并可用于中性点直接接地系统,作为零序电流保护的方向元件。它的应用非常广泛,以下就是欧姆龙小型功率继电器的优势应用及工作原理: 额定工作电压或... VishayIntertechnology,Inc。推出其VOR系列混合固态继电器中的首批3颗器件,为通信、工业、保安系统和医疗设备提供了高可靠性和无噪声切换功能。新的VishaySemiconductors1FormAVOR114... TLP182和TLP183是采用SO6封装的低输入电流晶体管输出光耦。 通过采用东芝原创的高输出LED,这不仅保证了在传统输入电流5mA条件下的高电流传输率,也保证了与低LED电流0。5mA条件下具有相同的电流传输率。 ... 由于光耦继电器的输入阻抗与一般干扰源的阻抗相比较小,因此分压在光电耦合器的输入端的干扰电压较小,它所能提供的电流并不大,不易使半导体二极管发光;由于光电耦合器的外壳是密封的,它不受外部光的影响,光电耦合器的隔离电阻很大(约1012Ω)、... 光耦继电器的种类及替代方法! 光耦是开关电源电路中的常用器件,光电耦合器分为两种:一种为非线性光耦,另一种为线性光耦。常用的4N系列,如4N2 5,4N35,4N2 6,4N36等。光耦是非线性的,常用的线性光耦为PC8 17 A——... AQY210产品系列是一个固态继电器,它不同于光耦的.不同点如下: 结构不同:光耦继电器内部为光耦+可控硅的组合.光耦是发光二极管,受光器为光敏二极管、光敏三极管组合.由此可见光耦继电器是包含光耦的 产品用途不同:固态继电器是继电器... 南方先进电子APY210T系列产品优势替代料号:CPC1035NTRCPC1035NCPC1230NTRCPC1230NCPC1030NCPC1030NTR产品基本参数:SPST-NO (1 Form A)0V ~ 350V100mA35 ... 光耦继电器是一种可把电信号转换成为光信号,然后又将光信号恢复为电信号的半导体器件,它属于一种电——光——电转换器件。其基本结构是将光发射器和光敏接收器装在同一密闭的壳体内,彼此间用透明绝缘体隔离。常见的光发射器为红外发光二极管,其引脚作... 当采用光耦隔离数字信号进行控制系统设计时,光耦继电器的传输特性,即传输速度,往往成为系统最大数据传输速率的决定因素。在许多总线式结构的工业测控系统中,为了防止各模块之间的相互干扰,同时不降低通讯波特率,开发者不得不采用高速光耦来实现模块... 线性光耦的电流传输特性曲线接近直线,并且小信号时性能较好,能以线性特性进行隔离控制。开关电源中常用线性光耦,如果使用非线性光耦,有可能使振荡波形变坏,严重时出现寄生振荡,使数千赫的振荡频率被数十到数百赫的低频振荡依次为号调制。由此产生的... 在电路中光耦继电器非常常见,光耦在电路中的作用是进行隔离并对光电进行转换,光耦的种类当中,包括线性光耦与非线性光耦。 有时候由于各种原因使得现有电路板上的光耦找不到原有相同的型号来代替,但是手头上有其他不同的厂商,甚至其他型号的光耦产... 光电耦合器件(简称光耦)是把发光器件(如发光二极体)和光敏器件(如光敏三极管)组装在一起,经由过程光线完成耦合组成电—光和光—电的转换器件。 当电旌旗灯号送入光电耦合器的输入端时,发光二极体经由过程电流而发光,光敏元件遭到光照后产生电... 光耦继电器属于固态继电器,一般电磁继电器靠电流通过线圈使铁芯变成有磁性的磁铁吸合衔铁,从而使相关的触点动作控制负载的通断,而光耦继电器没有触点,其工作原理与光耦有点类似。 相对于电磁继电器,光耦继电器由于没有触点引起的磨损,使用寿命是... 固态光耦继电器(SSR)是电机械继电器的固态替代品,通常用于信号的通用开关和低功耗的交流/直流负载。它由发光二极管(LED)、光敏FET驱动和高压mosfet组成。继电器在LED打开时打开(触点闭合),在LED关闭时关闭(触点开启)。S... 光耦继电器是用光耦来控制开光状态的固态继电器,光耦继电器可以理解为光耦和可控硅的组合体。这种形式主要应用于继电器的额定工作电压低于电源电压的电路中。当电路闭合时,继电器线圈由于自感现象会产生电动势阻碍线圈中电流的增大,从而延长了吸合时间... 线性光耦是一种用于模拟信号隔离的光耦继电器器件,和普通光耦一样,线性光耦真正隔离的是电流。线性光耦能够保护被测试对象和测试电路,并减小环境干扰对测试电路的影响。 线性光耦的隔离原理与普通光耦没有差别,只是将普通光耦的单发单收模... 光耦继电器是固态继电器的一种。英文是SolidStateOptronicsRelay。一般继电器都是机械触点,靠通电流过线圈变成有磁性的磁铁吸合触点,从而控制开光状态。而光耦继电器工作原理类似于光耦(其实看等效电路图是一样的)。首先要搞... 光电偶合器件是把发光器件(如发光二极体)和光敏器件(如光敏三极管)组装在一起,通过光线实现耦合构成电—光和光—电的转换器件。 当电信号送入光电耦合器的输入端时,发光二极体通过电流而发光,光敏元件受到光照后产生电流,CE导通;当... Product line upA PhotoRelays is a semiconductor relay with an LED as an input and MOSFET as an output. |
Compared with Electro-Mechanical Relays have moving contact: | Compared with SSR (Solid State Relays) have phototriac for output: |
●Longer lifetime (No limit on mechanical and electrical lifetime) ●Higher-speed and high-frequency switching ●Higher sensitivity (less power consumption) ●Smaller size ●Less contact problems such as arcs, bounce, and noise ●More resistant to vibration and impact ●No limitation for the mounting direction | ●Able to control miniature analog signal ●Applicable to both AC/DC ●More sensibility ●Less leakage current ●Lower offset voltage ●Various contact structures such as 2a, 4a, 1b, 2b, and 1a1b in addition to 1a |
1.Technical Terminology
2.Reliability tests
Term | Symbol | Description | |
Input | LED forward current | IF | Current that flows between the input terminals when the input diode is forward biased. |
LED reverse voltage | VR | Reverse breakdown voltage between the input terminals. | |
Peak forward current | IFP | Maximum instantaneous value of the forward current. | |
LED operate current | IFon | Current when the output switches on (by increasing the LED current) with a designated supply voltage and load connected between the output terminals. | |
LED turn off current | IFoff | Current when the output switches off (by decreasing the LED current) after operating the device with a designated supply voltage and load connected between the output terminals. | |
LED dropout voltage | VF | Dropout voltage between the input terminals due to forward current. | |
Power dissipation | Pin | Allowable power dissipation between the input terminals. | |
Output | Load voltage | VL | Supply voltage range at the output used to normally operate the PhotoRelays. Represents the peak value for AC voltages. |
Continuous load current | IL | Maximum current value that flows continuously between the output terminals of the PhotoRelays under designated ambient temperature conditions. Represents the peak value for AC current. | |
On resistance | Ron | Obtained using the equation below from dropout voltage VDS (on) between the output terminals (when a designated LED current is made to flow through the input terminals and the designated load current through the output terminals.) Ron = VDS (on)/IL | |
Off state leakage current | ILeak | Current flowing to the output when a designated supply voltage is applied between the output terminals with no LED current flow. | |
Power dissipation | Pout | Allowable power dissipation between the output terminals. | |
Open-circuit output voltage | Voc | Voltage required for driving a MOSFET | |
Short-circuit current | Isc | Current that is output from the driver when the input is turned on | |
Electrical characteristics | Turn on time | Ton | Delay time until the output switches on after a designated LED current is made to flow through the input terminals. |
Turn off time | Toff | Delay time until the output switches off after the designated LED current flowing through the input terminals is cut off. | |
I/O capacitance | Ciso | Capacitance between the input and output terminals. | |
Output capacitance | Cout | Capacitance between output terminals when LED current does not flow. | |
I/O isolation resistance | Riso | Resistance between terminals (input and output) when a specified voltage is applied between the input and output terminals. | |
Total power dissipation | PT | Allowable power dissipation in the entire circuit between the input and output terminals. | |
I/O isolation voltage | Viso | Critical value before dielectric breakdown occurs, when a high voltage is applied for 1 minute between the same terminals where the I/O isolation resistance is measured. | |
Ambient temperature | Operating | Topr | Ambient temperature range in which the PhotoRelays can operate normally with a designated load current conditions. |
Storage | Tstg | Ambient temperature range in which the PhotoRelays can be stored without applying voltage. | |
Max. operating frequency | — | Max. operating frequency at which a PhotoRelays can operate normally when applying the specified pulse input to the input terminal |
Classification | Item | Condition | Purpose |
Life tests | High temperature storage test | Tstg (Max.) | Determines resistance to long term storage at high temperature. |
Low temperature storage test | Tstg (Min.) | Determines resistance to long term storage at low temperature. | |
High temperature and high humidity storage test | 85°C 185°F, 85%R.H. | Determines resistance to long term storage at high temperature and high humidity. | |
Continuous operation life test | VL = Max., IL = Max., IF = Recommended LED forward current | Determines resistance to electrical stress (voltage and current). | |
Thermal environment tests | Temperature cycling test | Low storage temperature (Tstg Min.) High storage temperature (TstgMax.) | Determines resistance to exposure to both low temperatures and high temperatures. |
Thermal shock test | Low temperature (0°C) (32°F), High temperature (100°C) (212°F) | Determines resistance to exposure to sudden changes in temperature. | |
Solder burning resistance | 260±5°C 500±41°F, 10 s | Determines resistance to thermal stress occurring while soldering. | |
Mechanical environment tests | Vibration test | 196 m/s2 {20 G}, 100 to 2,000 Hz*1 | Determines the resistance to vibration sustained during shipment or operation. |
Shock test | 9,800 m/s2 {1,000 G} 0.5 ms*2; 4,900 m/s2 {500 G} 1 ms | Determines the mechanical and structural resistance to shock. | |
Terminal strength test | Determined from terminal shape and cross section | Determines the resistance to external force on the terminals of the PhotoRelays mounted on the PC board while wiring or operating. | |
Solderability | 245°C 473°F 3 s (with soldering flux) | Evaluates the solderability of the terminals. |
光耦继电器是固态继电器的一种。英文是Solid State Optronics Relay。